Sunday, February 26, 2012

My opinion on death

I think that some people take things too seriously, and others take things not serious enough.

Life and Death is a long lasting argument that people have, whether its different religious groups arguing back and forth, or just a couple of people talking about death.

Most religious organizations believe in life after death in one way or another. Some people live their entire life in fear basically, all because they are scared of death because they think that it all ends at death.

I'm not saying that there is or isn't life after death, but I am saying that people who don't believe in life after death, you shouldn't live your life in fear all because of that. Go out and live your life! Go do the things you want to do! Go have fun! If your scared to do something, in your mind just say screw it, lets do this. And go do it, and have fun doing it! I love my life because this year I decided that would be my motto when I'm scared to do something or nervous. In my mind I just say screw it, lets do this. And I go do it, and after the fact I love that I did that. And the next time I do that same thing, it gets that much easier.

Life is for living, not living in fear. Death is just another obstacle that every single one of us on this earth have to go through, whether that's us dieing or a family member or close friend. Go out and live your life not in fear, but with excitement! And have fun doing it!

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